Saturday morning, I got up early and got ready for our family trip to the beach. I made a ton of PB&J sandwiches, as well as chobap. We finally left around 1ish, and we took the bus for an hour to the Incheon beach, where we met my host father, who had come early and set up the tent.
Swimming was interesting. Most notably because they don't have swimsuits here, they go in fully clothed. It was actually quite fun. The communal showers were also something I had never experienced, but it really wasn't awkward at all.
After that, we all ate dinner, which was chobap, PB&J, ramen, and mandu. Then, Sangmin was tired so he took a nap, and my host mom, host dad, and I went on a walk all around. It was a lot of fun and I got some good pictures of my host parents. My favorite part was when these two random guys come up to me and start talking to me (which I obviously am uncomfortable with) and I look over and there's my host dad just watching and being protective xD It made me feel much safer!
I was really tired after that, so I took a nap in the tent until about 10PM, when Da Young arrived (she had been at a leadership camp all day). The beach NEVER calms down, so pretty much all night there are fireworks and people being loud. But I still managed to get some sleep. Oh yeah, and it was really cool to see just how much the tide changes. At 1AM, there was no water anywhere to be seen! I could only see a bunch of people way out in the distance where the tide was.
The next morning, we woke up and ate, and then it started pouring rain! So we all hurried and dis-assembled our tent and other stuff, and went home. Then we went to a Korea biology and natural history museum, which was really interesting. And that's about it!
Right now its almost 1, and I have to give a 10 minute oral presentation in Korean at 1:30 >< I better go prepare!
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