Thursday, June 30, 2011

First day in Korea!

Today was super fun.  First, we got up and went to the US Embassy in Korea.  We had a presentation there, and that was good.  We also got introduced to some of the teachers and principals from the schools we will be at in the summer.  I will be living in Jeonju, going to an all girls Catholic school.  I talked to the principal and one of the teachers, and they were both really nice.  Website:

After that, we went to go get lunch.  We had all sorts of delicious Korean food ^^  We walked around for a little bit, and then we went to meet our college "supporters", who are basically our buddies for the next six weeks.  Every Tuesday and Thursday we will meet with them before we go to class, and study Korean and cultural stuff.  I share mine with 2 other girls.  He is a 24 year old Korean college student.  I finally have a Korean oppa!  Anyways, we had a lot of fun hanging out and taking the subway and buses around the city.  Seoul is beautiful!

I have to turn in my laptop now :-(

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

First night in Korea!

Today was an extremely long day ><  International flights=NOT FUN

I couldn't sleep the whole 12 hour flight, so then I was completely exhausted for the 3 hour layover in Narita, Japan.  They kept feeding us gross plane food too ><  Then, there was another 2 hour flight to Korea.  Once we were through customs, we took an hour bus ride into Seoul.  My stomach is REALLY upset from all the constant motion.  I thought I was going to vomit ><

Well, so far everything seems negative, but tomorrow is when the fun is going to start.  We are going to a Welcome Ceremony at the US Embassy and then meeting college buddies and touring Seoul.  They'll also take my laptop tomorrow, so who knows when I'll next be online.

Another fun thing, right now we are at the Youth Hostel, and there are a ton of other people staying here.  We all congregated in the hallway with a bunch of Korean kids and talking.  Tomorrow will be fun!  Now I'm going to shower and sleep.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Host family Information

Today I (finally!) received my host family information, and I have to say I am quite pleased with my prospective host family, notwithstanding the fact that I have a 1 hour and 10 minute commute every morning and evening >.<

I will be living in Incheon, which is a smaller city on the outskirts of Seoul.  Smaller is really only relative, considering Incheon is actually a really huge city.  Anyways, I think it will be more of an Indianapolis type place, but I really don't know considering I am still in Indiana....

My family consists of my mother, father, a 16 year old sister (Da Young) and a 13 year old brother (Sang Min).  My host sister apparently speaks some Chinese, so I'm hoping we will be able to converse in Chinese!

That's really all the information I have for now.  The next time I post, I'll be in Korea!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Host sister!

I'm still in the US, but my journey to Korea is already kicking off--today I received a message via facebook from my host sister Da Young Park :)

"안녕하세요! hello ,my name is da young park i'm korean i don't english well:'-( but i am interested in other culture The important thing is that i entered korea homestay and you were chosen I'm looking forward to you"

I still don't know anything else about my host family, but I am supposed to get more information on Monday!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

An Intro

Well, this is it.  Nineteen more days and I'll be boarding a flight to the far east, leaving everything for six months.  So, here's my blog, all up and ready to go.